Our mill
Sourcing and transportation
Sourcing and delivering premium locally grown, chemical-free grains to our mill is our highest priority. This is made possible by our long-term relationship with our farmers and the integrity of the truckers that transport the grain. We transport direct from harvest using trusted carriers following stringent practices. Creating a 100% guarantee the grain we mill is free of synthetic fertilisers and the harmful chemicals often found in unregulated storage and transport.

Stone-ground milling
We’ve pioneered stone milling in Australia since 1978. Perfecting our process with our own custom-designed mill stones and associated machinery.
Our process means the grain passes through the mill slowly, at cooler temperatures. This preserves essential enzymes and nutrients. Retaining these in the wholegrain results in the highest quality flour – bursting with flavour, rich in nutrients, perfect for all styles of baking.

Roller milling
Our plant features a roller mill, specifically designed to produce premium flours at greater volumes. This ensures our products are consistently high quality, smooth in texture, with a more subtle flavour.

Chemical free storage
Our commitment to delivering chemical-free flour to bakers and wholesalers is uncompromising. Chemical-free ventilation and airflow in our grain silos ensures our grain remains in the same state it left the farms – pure and unadulterated.